hola a todxs!
Aqui estamos otra vez para invitaros a la tan esperada segunda fiesta queer diy Antiserum en el 22 de Enero. El cartel de esa noche sera un cocktail explosivo de criatividade y corrimiento pela libertad de nuestras vidas.
la fiesta empezara a las 23h y porque esta bien prolongar el orgasmo tardara hasta las 12h.
La pasta recaudada sera para lxs detenidxs del 29S.
os estimulamos a la liberacion os acordando la etica del consenso, una politika queer...
traigan vuestra alegria, rebeldia y disfrazes...
junto os enviamos tambien el flyer.
Porfa pasa la información al resto de la tribu!
saludxs queer
Antiserum org
hello everyone!
here we are again to invite you all to the so expected second queer, diy party Antiserum on the 22nd of january.
our line up gonna be an explosive coctail of creativity and a huge cum for our life´s freedom!
the party will begin at 23h and because its nice to extend the orgasm it will last untill 12h.
the money will be collected for those arrested in the general strike on the 29th september.
we would like to stimulate you to the liberation reminding you the queer politiks of consensus.
bring your joy, rebellion and costumes...
the the flyer is attached.
please pass it on to the rest of the tribe.
best queer wishes
Antiserum org
la fiesta empezara a las 23h y porque esta bien prolongar el orgasmo tardara hasta las 12h.
La pasta recaudada sera para lxs detenidxs del 29S.
os estimulamos a la liberacion os acordando la etica del consenso, una politika queer...
traigan vuestra alegria, rebeldia y disfrazes...
junto os enviamos tambien el flyer.
Porfa pasa la información al resto de la tribu!
saludxs queer
Antiserum org
hello everyone!
here we are again to invite you all to the so expected second queer, diy party Antiserum on the 22nd of january.
our line up gonna be an explosive coctail of creativity and a huge cum for our life´s freedom!
the party will begin at 23h and because its nice to extend the orgasm it will last untill 12h.
the money will be collected for those arrested in the general strike on the 29th september.
we would like to stimulate you to the liberation reminding you the queer politiks of consensus.
bring your joy, rebellion and costumes...
the the flyer is attached.
please pass it on to the rest of the tribe.
best queer wishes
Antiserum org
Centro Anti Social Ocupado
C/ Pere IV 467
Metro Sant Martí (L2), Besós (L4), Peré IV (N11)
Metro Sant Martí (L2), Besós (L4), Peré IV (N11)